April 4, 2013

DRT(A Ghost Story) by Eric Thomas @etflint

DRT by Eric Thomas
Title: DRT(A Ghost Story)
Author: Eric Thomas
(Homepage|Facebook|Twitter|Amazon: US/UK|GoodReads)
Format: E-book
Length: 198 pages
Price: $2.99

Greg spends his life hiding away from anything that my stray him from his idea of normalcy and his job as an overnight traffic reporter helps until he witnesses a horrific crash that he may be responsible for. Soon the guilt of his supposed involvment is compounded with the arrival of the ghost of the dead driver.

Greg is a character rooted in anxiety and depression looking to hide from the world and throughout the book I could feel his fear and hopelessnes creeping into my reality. DRT is a creeping atmospheric read that shows just  how much guilt can tear someone apart.

The author crafted a bleak and harrowing read that entertained me from start to finish.

*I've had this review written for a while now and thought I had posted it, until i recently noticed it sitting in my drafts section, so apologies to the author for the lateness of this review.*

Other Titles By Mr. Thomas: