August 18, 2011

Dr. Who: Tardis Anyone?

Dr Who logoIf you have never heard of Dr. Who, you should be ashamed. This is a British Science Fiction tv show that has spanned many years. It started in 1963 and, after 11 incarnations of the Doctor, it’s still going strong.
Who is the Doctor?
The Tardis
The Doctor is a time traveling humanoid alien traveling through time and exploring the universe. He travels in an attentive time machine know as The Tardis. On the outside it appears as a blue police box but on the inside it’s huge. During his travels the Doctor meets companions and foes alike while saving civilizations and righting wrongs.
Why do I like it?
Dr. Who combines drama, humor, and sci-fi elements to make a brillaint,spooky,and sometimes poignant series. I started watching it in 2007 which featured David Tennant as the tenth Doctor. While I don’t know the entire history of the series, what I have watched has been great and it keeps me coming back for more.
My Favorite Doctor Incarnation?
David Tennant tenthy Dr. WhoMatt Smith current Doctor
Matt Smith(Eleventh/Current Doctor) is a great in this role but if I have to choose a definite answer, I’m going to save the tenth Doctor is my favorite. David Tennant was quirky, funny, and just had something about him that made him click as the doctor to me. Smith is growing on me though and  could replace the tenth incarnation if the character keeps progressing.
Who could forget the Companions?
The companions play a vital role in the Dr. Who series and sometimes their stories outshine that of the Doctor. I can’t pick  a favorite companion because there have been many but Rose(tenth doctor), Martha(tenth doctor), Amy Pond(eleventh/current doctor), and Rory(eleventh/current doctor) have been really good companions. I’ve really enjoyed their stories.
My favorite villain?
Weeping Angels
The Doctor has to have foes and boy does he, but my favorite villian would have to be the Weeping Angels. These are statues of angels that only appear as statues while you are looking at them. Turn your back and they begin moving in for the kill. That’s just frakking creepy to me and the episodes I have watched featuring them have all be disturbingly brilliant. Not only that but if they touch you they transport you in time and slowly drain  the energy from the life you should have led. Better yet  any image of an angel  has the power of the weeping angels and eventually  it will turn into one as well. Thats not all they can do but  as you can tell these are not good angels.
So now you know my favorites from the series, and I’d like to know your favorites so feel free to comment or tweet me your favs at @Horror_Nerd with hashtag #Horror_Nerd.
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