July 18, 2012

What is your primary source of satisfaction from watching horror movies ?

Zombies as portrayed in the movie Night of the...
Zombies as portrayed in the movie Night of the Living Dead (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Annabelle Lecter, newest member of without your head horror radio, posted a question on the wyh facebook group that really got me to thinking.
Her question was:  
What is your primary source of satisfaction from watching horror movies.

The answers to choose from were:
  • Thought provoking stories 
  • Connection to villian character 
  • Themes of vengeance/punishment 
  • Creativity and ingenuity in storytelling 
  • Being legitimately frightened 
  • Blood and guts gorefest 
  • Monsters of fx artistry 
  • Craptastic horror humor 
  • Psychologically scarring 
  • Connection to survivor characters
For me it takes a bit of each to truly make a great horror movie. Ultimately though for me to truly be satisfied with a horror movie I have to come away feeling scared,uneasy, or shocked. But for that to happen each element must be present in some capacity, although humor could be missing without much consequence.

So what is your primary source of satisfaction  from watching horror movies?