Guest Post

Guest Post at The Geekdom of Gore

We here at The Geekdom of Gore are looking for guest posts. I can't offer payment for the posts, but I'll promote your site as much as possible.

We are looking for reviews(Books,Games, or Movies) within the Horror/Sci-Fi genre.

Examples of  reviews(Books, Games, and Movies).
  • Ratings range from 1(Terrible) to 5(Outstanding).
  • Reviews should be at least 200 words.
  • If possible include appropriate links.(This isn't a hard or fast rule but it will save me time)
  • If you have  an Amazon affiliation link I'll use it for your reviews.
  • I'll take care of formatting.
  • Included a short bio about yourself, a picture, and any social media links you'd like included.
  • Try to check for appropriate grammar and spelling. I will do the same.
  • Whether or not your post is accepted will be my decision. If problems are found I'll get in touch and we can work them out
If you have other ideas for a guest post, email me and we can discuss it further,

Click the image below to submit your guest post: